Just when it was becoming too much for all of us: for those suffering from thirst and hunger and fear and despair and for those of us watching and waiting and wanting to help more, then hope came. Today all the coordinated efforts of the military, U.S. government agencies, doctors from all over the country, charity and relief organizations, and local help combined to bring hope and care and deliverance to the thousands of miserable victims of the daunting disarray of Katrina.
After days of politicians yelling, “now, now!”, and sad interviews with the afflicted and hopeless sufferers of these southern states, and dreary, bleak visions of burning and looting, we can now all lift our eyes up with the comfort that things are working out. Although many have died, and some of them needlessly, we can be reasonably assured that life for the survivors will get better. Although the road ahead for these victims will be long, there is a light at the end of the tunnel if we continue to lend a hand as is needed, to encourage people to pick up their lives, and to keep praying for the distressed and displaced. Although much has been lost in property and revenue, the generosity of the American people will prop up the tired and weary and impel them to jobs and new homes. For many, this will be the beginning of a better life.
Can anyone live without hope? It seemed that many had abandoned theirs. But I know there were good parents saying to their children during this crisis, “Don’t worry. Things are going to work out.” Husband and wives were clinging to each other, building each other up with words of love and selflessness. Friends were banding together to help the less able, giving each other sympathy and sharing their water and food. You know that that had to have been happening, despite the picture of desperation magnified by the media.
“Thank God for our neighbors,” I heard an interviewed woman say today. “What would we do without each other?” We are neighbors. We wish we could help more. “God bless you!” praises all around for the deliverers, the military and police.
I do thank God for the mercy and love that caused many to reach out and help in this difficult event. The thousands and thousands of prayers being prayed by those who love Him are heard. The generosity of so many is not unprecedented, but so American. The consequences of Katrina will be far-reaching and long-lasting. We need to be steadfast in our determination to work toward restoration for the affected when the predictable back-stabbing and overblown blaming begin in earnest. Don’t let the political banter get the best of you.
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