Monday, May 26, 2008


It is Memorial Day; it is Decoration Day, it is a day of remembering those who have fallen in the service of our country. There will be many more tributes, in every town, in every part of our country.
Yesterday we honored our fallen heroes in our church service, echoing services everywhere.
Last night I was watching a TV drama about the death and funeral of a soldier, and when “Taps” was played, I couldn’t help but stand at attention, moved by the ceremony, even in a fictional show. The honor was real, the emotion true.
May God Bless each and every one of our military, and bless those who have to hear “Taps” played over a loved one.
Valor, from the French valour, has the same meaning of our word value. Men of valor are valuable men, worthy men, and worthy women. We honor those we esteem as worthy. May God Bless you today.

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