Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Other 364

WARNING: Overdose of thankgivingfulness will be de rigueur for the next 32 hours until the sales start.
Government mandated thankfulness will be in effect tomorrow. Hug somebody. Arms only, no air kiss, pressure only as signal to end hug.
Report to NFL televised games and await further instructions.

I am thankful to God for the many blessings He bestows every day. Good things are blessings and bad things are blessings in disguise as they draw us closer to God.
I have a few burdens I'm carrying on my heart today. You could categorize them as 'bad things' but I am thankful and Praising God even in the worst of circumstances, because circumstance are temporary but He is eternal.
Going against the ordained order of government mandated Thanksgiving, here is something that I am not thankful for:
Knowing that alleged comedian Steven C****** has released a "Christmas CD" which goes far beyond mockery of Christ.
I sampled a few of the songs at the iTunes store, and they are horrid. No thanks, period.

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