Thursday, May 23, 2013


I feel like such a fool.
Please disregard everything written on this blog in the past nine years.
Pope Frankie just went all vox domini on us, announcing that even athiests are redeemed and bound for Heaven, as Jesus saved EVERYBODY!
Wow-talk about no free will, right?
Hitler is up in Heaven right now. He might not be sitting right next to Moses (you know what I mean), but he made the cut because there is no cut.
If everyone gets in no matter what, is there anything left to drive good behavior? Without fear of hell and damnation, what is there to stop you from disobeying the Ten Suggestions? Can't call them commandments anymore-nothing to back them up.
"Or what?


Doug said...

Down through the centuries true Christians have maintained that the cultic empire of Catholicism is basically anti-Christ, and that makes the Pope high grade anti-Christ.
I don't think that this Pope is "THE"
Anti-Christ mentioned in Revelation and the book of Daniel, but when that dope comes along, he will be like a pope.
Pope Frankie's pronouncement doesn't pass the smell test; it stinks. One of the greatest joys of Popery through the centuries has been declaring someone anathema or heretic, often former Popes whom the current Pope had a grudge against.
If Frankie Goes To Vatican City is right, there is no anathema or heretic so evil, so bad that they will end up in hell.
And those who disbelieved in Heaven and want nothing to do with God will have no choice-they will be forced to go there.
I saw this report about the Pope's announcement yesterday but it sounded so much like an "Onion" story that I waited until I read confirmation from another source.
So, is the Pope right? Have Christians been wrong for two thousand years? And if we have been wrong...why did the Catholics have Inquisitions to force confessions out of heretics? What did it matter if someone didn't believe in Christ if we all go to Heaven?

Lucia said...

If everyone gets in no matter what, is there anything left to drive good behavior? Without fear of hell and damnation, what is there to stop you from disobeying the Ten Suggestions?

According to your own oft-repeated belief, good behavior won't move a person one micron closer to heaven, and, once saved, a person remains saved no matter what atrocities they commit.

Doug said...

Hi Lu:
"According to your own oft-repeated belief, good behavior won't move a person one micron closer to heaven, and, once saved, a person remains saved no matter what atrocities they commit."

Second point first: once a person has been saved, that person lives to please God, honor God with his or her life, which should the number of atrocities down to zero.
First point second: access to Heaven has not and will never be about 'good behavior'.
My point was that Pope Frankie's blanket statement that "all go to Heaven no matter what they believe"
would, if taken seriously, drive BAD behavior because without fear of punishment humans such as you and I would be quite nasty creatures.
We don't drive the speed limit simply because we like to obey traffic laws-we don't want a ticket.

James said...

Doug writes: "once a person has been saved, that person lives to please God, honor God with his or her life, which should the number of atrocities down to zero."

Would you say that about John Calvin? What about Martin Luther?

Read their stories of their lives and let me know.

Doug said...

Hello James-yes, I say it about Calvin and Luther, and myself, and every other true Christian in the world, generation after generation.
I have both a biography of Calvin, and also a few of his books, including part of his magnum opus, "Institutes of the Christian Religion".
As for Luther, I'm guessing that he didn't become a problem (in your view) until he began attacking the Catholicism he grew up in which God led him out of.
Keeping it simple, I could read your sources which so convince you, but they would never convince me. Likewise, if you were to listen to any of the video sermons by John MacArthur posted on my front page, you would only reject what he has to say.
So it's a push.
You will continue to believe in your interpretation of religion, and I will continue to live in my relationship with God.
Nice to see that you are still out there, though. Have a great day.