Saturday, October 08, 2016

Testing Their Outrage

That didn't take long.
How do I feel about the lewd and vulgar Trump audio?
Don't like it. It is indeed vulgar and lewd.
How can I, a Christian, continue to support Trump?
With a clear conscience. 
I've been expecting a dozen or so "October surprises" from the Clinton camp, and I'm pretty sure
that there is more to come.
The Clinton's have been masters of "Opposition Research" for decades.
Trump by being Trump will have gifted them plenty of ordinance with which to work.
I am heartened by the gleeful moralizing exhibited by friends so concerned about MY
Let us, just for fun...test their outrage.
If the shoe were in the other mouth-if an 11 year old audio tape of Hillary Clinton OR Gary Johnson were released which matched, vulgarity for vulgarity, the Donald tape...would it change their vote?
Would they be so outraged as to reject Clinton? Johnson?
The cynic in me says, "No."
Because to them, Trump is not a viable option.
That's where I'm at.
I had no illusions about Trump being some highly moral person of great character.
You might say that he has lived down to my very low expectations.
With a clear conscience I will vote for him if he remains in the race. 
Because for me, Hillary Clinton is not a viable option. 
In the past two Presidential elections I have voted for a Cultist and a Liberal in RINO clothing,
so I have experience voting for the least evil option which is still EVIL.
This rhubarb WILL make the Debate tomorrow night a Must Watch Event.
See you on the other side.


Doug said...

This election does indeed seem to be a contest for the title of "Who is the WORST?"

Anonymous said...

I agree! The best of 2 evils, but I still will never vote for Clinton!