Saturday, January 18, 2020

33 Years Come Back To Me

Ah, Memories!
Was just partaking in the dirty vice common amongst my townspeoples:
Snowblowing my driveway and the sidewalks around my house-as I'm on a
corner, I get to keep two sidewalks open.
I found these frames buried 2.5 feet down at the end of a sidewalk which had been
plowed shut by a city snow guy.  Didn't find a head.
33 years ago this very month I had an incident with glasses.
Actually, it goes back farther if I'm going to tell this right.
40 some years ago my family had a dog that was killing chickens or something, so we had to 'chain him up' which my Dad did by stretching a cable from a tree to a telephone pole so that the dog could run around back and forth.
After the dog was over that rainbow, the cable was cut and it wound up in the tree but way up so that it wasn't a danger to most mortals. Cable quickly forgotten.
33 years ago this month my Dad, brother and I are taking turns, tooling around the  property on a snowmobile.
I'm having a great time, roaring around, then I'm on the ground and my face hurts.
Standing up on the snowmobile I was within the cable's clutches, so to speak, and off I went.
Broke my glasses in half, gave me a nice Heidelberg across my nose which might have broken-already been broken a few times, so I don't recall.
Thing was...I kinda need my glasses, and I was moving to Las Vegas in a few days, so...Dad drove me to the big city and we found one of the first "One Day Glasses" places and I was set for my journey which I am still on.

1 comment:

LGR said...

Had a pair of glasses that went the same way, but via the lawn mower here in sunny AZ. :)