Thursday, January 30, 2020


If I were a dog, this is what I would look like.
Just dumped a screed which didn't actually need screeding-I do often edit myself, believe or don't.
I will say that I am very thankful to God for His continuing to draw sinners to repentance- He adds to His family by adoption through Jesus Christ.
Seek Him while He may be found.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

33 Years Come Back To Me

Ah, Memories!
Was just partaking in the dirty vice common amongst my townspeoples:
Snowblowing my driveway and the sidewalks around my house-as I'm on a
corner, I get to keep two sidewalks open.
I found these frames buried 2.5 feet down at the end of a sidewalk which had been
plowed shut by a city snow guy.  Didn't find a head.
33 years ago this very month I had an incident with glasses.
Actually, it goes back farther if I'm going to tell this right.
40 some years ago my family had a dog that was killing chickens or something, so we had to 'chain him up' which my Dad did by stretching a cable from a tree to a telephone pole so that the dog could run around back and forth.
After the dog was over that rainbow, the cable was cut and it wound up in the tree but way up so that it wasn't a danger to most mortals. Cable quickly forgotten.
33 years ago this month my Dad, brother and I are taking turns, tooling around the  property on a snowmobile.
I'm having a great time, roaring around, then I'm on the ground and my face hurts.
Standing up on the snowmobile I was within the cable's clutches, so to speak, and off I went.
Broke my glasses in half, gave me a nice Heidelberg across my nose which might have broken-already been broken a few times, so I don't recall.
Thing was...I kinda need my glasses, and I was moving to Las Vegas in a few days, so...Dad drove me to the big city and we found one of the first "One Day Glasses" places and I was set for my journey which I am still on.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Izzy's Comfy Chair Predicament

Izzy, woken by pain, could breath a bit. Her eyes, when they could, focused on the smiling woman at the desk.
"Back with us, Ms. Castile? Good-you nodded off there for a moment."
Izzy noted her wrists were still zip-tied to the chair. She flexed her arms- she was stuck.
Not wishing to look at Ms. Granie, smiling in her office chair, she looked up and to the right of the woman, at the portrait of the Emperor Larsen, Emily the First.
Mindi Granie  held up the card.
"Really, Izzy-if I may call you Izzy? Really, it is SO simple. All you have to do is read this card, just one little sentence into the camera, and we can both go home.
Wouldn't you like that, Izzy? To go home?"
Izzy had already read and torn up the card, which led to her beating and the zip ties.
"Here-I'll read it to you: 'I, Izzy Castile do swear on my honor that I fully comprehend that Climate Change is a problem which we must work hard to solve.'"
Izzy shook her head, which turned out to be a bad idea.
"Why? Why am I here? I have never publicly stated any opposition to Climate Change, nor have I mentioned the subject to anyone here at work."
"But...Izzy. You are a City employee, and yes, you DID make such ridiculous statements. Come clean, Izzy."
"Never in public, never here in the City offices. It never happened!"
"Izzy. Do you expect me to believe that your comments on the "ChairComfort Social platform" were NOT public?"
"Comments made at home, from my HOME Computer, on my personal time, with the use of a proxy server to protect my privacy!"
"Well, not much of a proxy-as a City employee you should know that WE will maintain order and a unified front, which means that we must be vigilant regarding statements made by our Workers."
She held up the card again.
"One sentence. Into the camera, to be kept in your file. Read it."
Izzy spit on the desk just as Ms Granie pulled the card out of harm's way.
Granie still smiled.
"Dear, could I get you anything? Some sour wine, perhaps?"
"I'm fine. Let me go."
"The wine might be a good idea."
"I don't drink alcohol. I wouldn't even take water from you right now if I were dying of thirst."
"Just a cup. I promise-it's only sour wine."
Izzy was going to remain silent, but after a minute a thought occurred to her.
"Granie. Ms. Mindy Granie-the Emperor Larsen recently appointed you 'Grand Climate Inquisitor', isn't that right?"
Granie beamed.
"Yes! And you are the first case on my desk, so lucky for both of us."
"Both of us? How?"
"Because the Good Emperor Emily Larsen is 'Results oriented', and so, if in this very FIRST case I deliver the result she wishes...but here is why we are both lucky.
Because you are going to read this card, and I am going to have a gold star achievement awarded to me! Win/win!"
Izzy's head was starting to ache again. Her feet felt like concrete. Everything in between hurt.
"I will not read that stupid card."
"If you do not read this card, into the camera, with a BIG smile on your face...I will take a finger."
"That's CRAZY! Why would you even threaten me like that? You're just a civil servant, like me!"
"But I have a mandate. And a lot to lose if you don't read this card, so, yeah. We'll start with a finger."
"You wouldn't dare. Not over something stupid like reading a card!"
Mindi Granie and her smile froze for a second, and then she pressed the button on the desk and Ferdy Argone stepped into the room with one hand behind his back.
"Ferdy! This lady is crazy! Call the cops and get me out of here!"
Ferdy looked at his assistant zip-tied to the chair and shook his head as he brought the pruning shears from behind him.
"Izzy, I'm sorry, but she told me I owe her TWO fingers if I don't take one of yours. Read the card for Emperor's sake!"
Right before the weather on the morning News it was reported that a city employee-name not released until family could be notified-had a blood alcohol reading of twice the legal limit as she was found in her car which had cascaded down and submerged into Miller Creek in Lincoln Park. She was 27.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Ben Ev O Lence

Benevolence is described as "Desire to do good for others"; and it usually comes about when someone else gives an example of benevolence to a person.
That person shown favor and good wants to pass it on to others.
We Christians only have our 'Name' because of the Benevolence Christ has showered upon us.
His making it possible for us to be restored to fellowship with God through His cross is the ultimate example of Benevolence.
The best benevolence that I can share is that God is still redeeming souls-every saint is but a sinner saved by Grace; while there is life there is still Hope that God will extend His Benevolence to us.
May God richly Bless you today.