Saturday, November 03, 2018

VOTE With Your Heart AND Your Head

My friend and I (pictured above) encourage everyone to VOTE on Election Day!
Feel ffffrrreeeee!!!! to assume that every political advert that you've seen/heard has been full of subjective lies-candidates puff up their OWN accomplishments and denigrate their opponents. It's enough to make cry.
You needn't slough through the cesspool to get to the voting booth-take the high road and ignore the political Ish.
But vote, please. 
One vote each.
If you partook of 'early voting' and have already achieved your citi-Zen...don't show up at the polling station to attempt the double dip.
That's just criminally wrong. It would make you a bad person.
But everyone allowed to VOTE should. Too many populations of peoples on this planet have never had the opportunity to have a say in their governance-you may recall that that was THE major issue which brought about our own Declaration of Independence.
So VOTE! and be the better citizen. My friend and I thank you for reading.

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