Saturday, January 05, 2019

Redhead Empyre

Yup-her and him. Lucy and Desi. Couple of sitcom stars from before you were old enough to vote.
Watched one of the Tom Cruise/Mission Impossible films tonight, and thoughts came at me~look at the graphic below:
Without their production company, Desilu Productions, we wouldn't have any
"Mission Impossible", "Star Trek", "The Untouchables" or "December Bride".
Of course, the fact that we've never heard of the last one doesn't negate the fact that Desilu created some of the ginormous properties we've known and sometimes loved all of our lives.
It is STILL producing hits to this day~the past Desilu is the present CBS Television Studios, a large part of the Paramount/CBS conglammorous.
Back in the early 1960's heyday of Desilu it's been said that a lamp or ashtray from "Mission Impossible" would show up on "Star Trek" and verse vici.
I can't imagine how many billions of dollars of profit Desilu has made since it's formation in 1950.
Not bad for a couple of sitcom stars.

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