Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Bad Duncan! Bad!!

I don't news much, but I just came across this item.
Duncan Hunter, Republican Representative from California has made a royale hash of his life.
Public/campaign funds used to maintain a lifestyle which allegedly
included affairs with 5 different women.
Not bad enough? Here's a pull quote from the Yahoo article:
"Hunter and his wife, Margaret, were charged last year with improperly using more than $250,000 in campaign funds for family vacations, their children's private school tuition and other personal expenses. Margaret pleaded guilty to the charges earlier this month, but Hunter, who was reelected to his sixth term in November while under indictment, has refused a plea deal."
When someone does wrong, it is wrong.
A Christian ministry leader years ago decided that HE did not have to pay taxes.
He ended up in prison, and that was well deserved.
Duncan Hunter may end up there.
"But Doug! He's a REPUBLICAN! Circle the wagons! We NEED his VOTE!"
Wagon circles are fine if someone is innocent.
But protecting the guilty because of political affiliation only encourages bad behavior.
Bottom line-keep to the straight and narrow, be honest and REMAIN honest, especially if people have invested confidence in you.
Don't be a Duncan.

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