Wednesday, November 29, 2006

The Tinfoil Burlesque

Psychodramaturgical. In reference to the latest hate letter from the Iranian President/Puppet, Psychodramaturgical comes to mind. I don’t know if he’s on the pipe, but golly he sounds multi-dimensional. We all exist in space and time, but I think the half pint may be visiting a few rotations “X” and “Y” in his spare dimensions. Consider this an answer to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who probably wouldn’t appreciated being contracted even further to: MADnejad.

MADnejad: You are all wrong. At least Borat makes me laugh. You have called me corrupt, evil, and I take issue with that. You see, you have referred to my government that way, and here in America it is, “We, The People” who govern. Our President was not selected for us by Mullahs. You could look it up: nearly half the people voted against his gaining the office of the President. That doesn’t denote weakness in us, but strength. Even if our political beliefs divide us, we are still all Americans, and we all much prefer to live free from oppression. We do not fear our Government-can your people say the same? No wonder you are sending so much trouble over the border into Iraq. If the freedoms there were to catch on in your Iran, it would no longer be Your Iran.
I note in your letter your one-note Palestinian screed. I can almost hear you speaking in the UN General Assembly about Israel: “You know nothing at all, nor do you take into account that it is expedient for us that one Nation perish for the people, and that the whole World not fall into Chaos.”
MADnejad, you stink. Those of us who refuse to accept your fantasies as Reality are in mortal danger from you and your ilk, but guess what? Mortal danger doesn’t scare us- it is hard to terrorize those who do not fear. You are a loser because you want the world to be the way you like, instead of liking the World we have. It’s a beautiful place, and you and your Muslim buddies are trashing it with all of your Islam stuff. Without going all Hindi-Vishnu on you, we create and you destroy. But you’re missing the bigger picture. Greater than all of us is God,(not Allah) Who will take all that we do to His Creation very seriously. And if you think an elephant never forgets, wait until you’re standing in judgment before God. You are on the wrong side of history, and your future has an expiration date.
May God continue to Bless His People.

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