Monday, December 12, 2011

When The Sun Comes Out, Rainbows Die

I have faith in God to do Right, and faith that Man will do Wrong.
Meaning that the more I see of this sad twisted world, the more I
long for Heaven.
We have an election coming up next year, with not one Conservative candidate
that I can vote for without feeling like I'm abetting a crime.
Romney bet me ten grand that I couldn't write about Gingrich without mentioning his
Rick Perry? I'd rather vote for Katy Perry.
I could have voted for Herman Cain. Gone.
Likewise, Sarah Palin would have my vote...if she were running.
I don't like having to choose between fourth and fifth choices simply because
my preferred candidates aren't in the race.
Sigh. I can vote for Michele Bachman as a protest vote, though I might still write in
Katy Perry.
Democrats have it worse; they have to vote for the man who attempted to destroy the economy and bankrupt their children. And their children's the name of making America 'fair'.
By which he means unfair towards those who achieve, and 'fair' towards those who do not.
There's a good reason why I continue to look through the Bible, reading passages describing
Christ's Millennial Kingdom. The entire world will be "Fair". Truly fair, and honest, and
there will be no elections. Amen!


Doug said...


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