Friday, February 08, 2008

Green Persimmons And Count It All Joy

“Here, taste this.”
“What is it?”
“A fruit-taste it.”
Two minutes of sour spitting and drinking water while my boss laughed at me-I had eaten my first and only bit of green persimmon. It soured my mouth, tasting horrible bad.
I could say that this has begun to seem like a green persimmon year, what with the politics not going as I like, assorted family health issues, war still raging and the economy in the dumps…but even in the midst of all sorts of negatives, we are called to count it all joy, and there is much wisdom in that.
More than anything else, I rejoice that God loves me. That He has my future firmly in His hands, that I need not worry about anything. Not health issues, politics, the multifaceted foolishnesses of Man…nothing. Rather, I count it joy that God has placed me in a good place, given me the duty of taking care of my parents, a great church family, a good job, a great country…
Yes. There is a lot to be thankful to God for. No matter who sits in the White House, no matter whether my health fades (here’s a hint-it will someday) or the entire world seems cockeyed and crazy…God is in charge, and I have nothing to fear. Count it all joy, friends.

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