It’s been awhile since I did a Random Thoughts post. These past few weeks have been so scattered that…see? There I go again.
I’m a Baseball fan, and it was great to see Barry Bonds hit #756 last night. There will always be controversy, but I think Bonds is a great player, and I am happy for him and for Baseball, which has seen quite a few ’records’ and personal bests this season. My team, the Atlanta Braves, beat the Mets last night, so it was a great day for me.
We had a church picnic this past Sunday, and it was wonderful-great friends, a beautiful day at a lake, and the best part-two recent converts were baptized. I can’t really explain the feeling, but it was Joyous-as they were being baptized, I felt happy, brimming with Joy. I could see it on the other faces also-a Blessed, wonderful day. I know that the two who were baptized are just starting on the journey with God which began for me nearly 30 years ago-I know that they will have struggles, but those can never compare to the Joy of knowing God.
Some others who know that Joy are the Korean Christian workers in Afghanistan being held by Taliban.
I just checked-I had heard that two of our brothers had already been martyred out of the 23 being held.
The Taliban do not realize that they are holding prisoners who are very precious to God. I continue to pray that the Koreans might be freed, but more than that, I pray that God may be glorified by their witness. If they live, they live for Him. If they die, they go to be with Him. I don’t believe that the Taliban will be able to hold the Christians for very long without some of the Taliban being convicted and possibly converted.
God is in charge, and nothing happens that He does not make to happen or allow.
I know that these thoughts are supposed to be random, but God allowing events to happen brings me right to what’s left of Politics. No! Don’t stop reading! Please! I know I used the “P” word, but this will be brief, I promise you.
“Pray now for the government leaders you want, pray later for the government leaders you got.”
If in your daily life you live by a moral code which does not condone lying, don’t accept lies and Liars simply because it’s Politics. Rather than lowering your standards, demand that Politicians raise theirs.
I watched “300” the other night, and it is an amazing movie. How much of it is true is known only to God.
But it was a startlingly visual experience. Good men died to keep others free. How very relevant.
May God keep you and Bless you.
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