A dear sister in Christ whom I respect has written a post on her site where she suggests that the Church in America should be doing more to help our brothers and sisters facing persecution around the world. She also asks us to "pray for the fat, happy, distracted, and lazy church in this country who long ago forgot the God of Heaven who wants to call them out of darkness."
This troubled me, and this is a response to her comment.
I am part of a good church.
We care. We pray. We do what we can for each other, are a 'love one another' people.
Could we do more? Absolutely. There is always more that could be done. But it troubles me to be called distracted and lazy simply because we have been blessed to live where God has placed us.
Our persecuted brothers and sisters are no more noble than we are, and we are not lesser Christians simply because we live in a country with more personal freedoms. Christianity has no borders. Christ does not love them more or us less.
It is as easy as shooting fish in a barrel to tell Christians that they aren't doing enough. We each know how wicked we are, how weak.
But I suggest that God gives each of us burdens, brings each of us through different trials and tribulations which refine us, make us more like Christ. He is in charge of our lives, if indeed our lives belong to Him. I trust that He will not long allow rust, dust or laziness to take hold in His Church.
I'm sorry that I offended my sister in Christ, as she says that I did. I am in no way suggesting that there aren't issues and problems in the churches in America. She said, "While we are Christians, we’re not perfect, and we need a kick in the pants from time to time to knock us out of our lethargy."
Okayfine. But I refuse to feel guilty (legalism) about not doing enough (legalism). I'm trusting God to keep me busy. So far, I handle the responsibilities/duties He gives me, one day at a time. But I also enjoy Life, the life which God has given me. What does it say in Micah 6:8?
"8 He has told you, O man, what is good;
And what does the LORD require of you
But to do justice, to love kindness,
And to walk humbly with your God?"
That's what I try to do, every day. Even when I'm watching movies, or reading a book, or visiting with friends/family who are not Christians. I can't write that without sounding selfish, but there it is. Fat, maybe. Happy, yes. Distracted? Not on your life. Lazy? I'll let God be my judge.