Sunday, November 25, 2012

General Observations

Shop your little hearts out, Consumers! None for me, thanks-I'll cyber if I need anything (which I don't).
I am thinking of seeing "Skyfall", but maybe next wknd.
Thanksgiving was nice this year-a crowd of hungry conversationalists enjoying great food; we got to see old video from a scant 24+ years ago-I have changed quite a bit. But then again, not so much-I was a Christian then, as I am now, and will be forever. Politically I was ambivalent-I cheered Clinton when he took office, having been raised in a Democrat family. Hey! I guess I HAVE changed!
I've been thinking some about the re-election of President Obama, and I guess I shouldn't have been surprised. This is a world which is rejecting God; even with no Christian on the ballot, the guy who embodies Christian principles-honesty, hard work, accepting responsibility for your actions-is going to lose.
President Obama is a corrupt and evil man. The world loves him because they know that he is not a Christian.
Even when things get much worse, Christians will be just fine. Those of my brothers and sisters around the world who face persecution and death for bearing the name of Christ-they are fine, safe in His arms.
Kill us and we get to Heaven that much quicker.
Please remember that God is a God of Vengeance. All who kill, whether they be a suicide bomber in Iraq or an abortionist in America...God will deal with them.
Bye the way, things ARE going to get much worse quicker than you may realize. Especially for those of you who are rejecting God.
 Right now, as I said, Christians are safe.
God is also a God of Mercy. When things get worse, when economies fail and you get to the end of your resources...ask God for help. He is in the forgiving and saving business. And He is greater than your problems.
May God seek you and find you and give you Peace.


Doug said...

I know, I know-the post went all over the place. I used to do "Random Thoughts Tuesday" more often, but as it is my blog, I can modify my postings however I like.
Look for a quaint little post soon about the ridiculous rituals of celebrating Christmas.

Lucia said...

The Republican party is about making sure the rich get richer. Full stop. If everyone else also gets richer, great, and if a rich man gets richer by taking a poor man's one ewe lamb -- well, that's the free market for you, and if the poor man had been right with God and worked harder, he'd have had a whole flock.

Doug said...

Hi Lu-I thought that you'd be still celebrating the re-election of President Obama.
I'm thankful that the Republican Party is much better than your skewed perception of it.
I once saw a man who tried to argue against an opinion using logic and facts-he soon gave up and went fishing.
I don't fish, but I do have a movie cued up, so...
Oh, all right-just for a second or two:
I'm not rich, and I will never be rich in this world. I vote Republican, at least for now.
So I don't 'fit' into your opinion of Republicans.
I also do what I can to help as many people as possible. Hardly a cold, heartless Republican.
If it's any consolation, DO fit the stereotype of a common liberal.

Lucia said...

I should have said the GOP power structure. If liberals are all about getting free stuff from the government, how come this gainfully employed, taxpaying, homeowning, married, child-raising, fiftysomething natural-born citizen hoping to save enough for college and retirement voted the straight (oh, I forgot straight!) Democratic ticket?